Personal synthesis
Every person has their own journey in life. Upon each journey, there are many potential paths to follow. Generally, there are fewer such paths than there are people.
Even so, most people can claim some uniqueness in their life. They may tread the same path as others, but perhaps at a different time. Or with different kinds of people. Or in combination with other paths. Just as a deck of cards consists of only 52 unique cards, yet has more permutations than atoms in the universe.
To me, each person should celebrate what makes them unique. Even if no one else cares.
So, I hope to explore my own perspective, based on my own journey in life. The paths most important to me are those of the martial artist, and the software engineer. Sort of a weird combination, but that’s what makes it interesting. Whether or not I realize it, everything I think and do is influenced by my experience on those paths.
I feel this synthesis yields some interesting thoughts. If you’re reading this, I hope you find it interesting, too.